Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Why I decided to decrease my use of Social Media on 2018

It's 2018 and I am getting burned out with my social medias. I know I can get a lot of free stuff, win some stuff, get to know others, see inspirational quotes and other stuff BUT I feel like the more I use it - the more I end up feeling empty inside or letting down my love ones specially my kids. This year I decided to give my TIME (or at least more of it to them). I questioned myself if I do really NEED this and that OR if they are just adding to STUFF that later on will be tossed away and not add value to my well being or to my love ones. 

Before the year 2017 end, I read this open letter from a dying person online. She said how much she misses so many experience and how much she wishes that she have more TIME to do and be with the people/animals she would love to spend her time with. I realized then that TIME and LOVE ONES are the ones we all take for granted for. I dont want to be on my last day and be remembered in a way I wish they dont or wish that I have more time to be with them. So this year and for the years to come, my goal is to spend time with them specially my kids. They are growing way too fast that one day I wont be able to get those hugs and kisses and their time anymore, I want to be in the moment - THEIR MOMENT! I honestly feel more full and satisfied knowing at the end of the day I did something worthwhile and made more memories with them.

This year... I am not planning to lose weight, buy this or that, or any other goals that dont really mean anything in the end for ME (i said ME coz I know others will say that their goals is as important as mine so I am just talking about my goals)

How about you? Any changes this year? How are you balancing life and happiness - real happiness (the kind that will last more than a lifetime)

Would love to hear from you and thank you for being here.

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